Where Ideas Evolve into Action
Our Purpose:
To encourage and further friendship of women of Ponte Vedra and adjacent communities;
To programmatically and financially support St. Johns County and the surrounding vicinities community projects;
To provide volunteer services. A major objective of the Alliance shall be to arrange educational, informational, and cultural programs for the members. At least one annual fundraising event will be held to benefit the St. Johns County and/or the surrounding beaches community, to include Neptune, Atlantic and Jacksonville Beach.
The Ponte Vedra Women’s Civic Alliance (PVWCA)
is a non-profit corporation established in 2011 to foster friendship and work together for the good of the community
Board Members 2024-2025​
President - Noelle Franco
Vice President - Anne DeWeese
Co-Vice President - Darla Neal
Secretary - Annemieke Holder
Treasurer - Elizabeth Sides
Programs - Stephanie Cills
Co-Chair - Shirley Popky
Community Support - Sheila Rice
Co-Chair - Jodi Furr
Membership - Maggie Bowers
Volunteer Services - Kathy Gleason
Co-Chair - Ellen Harrell
Communications/Newsletter - Jennifer Walker
Hospitality - Mary Carmen Walker
Parliamentarian - Joan Davey